Welcome to Gale Street InnSIDERS,
a loyalty program to reward you, our loyal guests.
Sign up for our InnSIDERS Loyalty Rewards Program using your email address and you will begin to see benefits.
To thank you for signing up, you will receive 100 points, good for immediate redemption of $5 on your order.
As you use the program, you will earn one point for each dollar you spend with us (before taxes). For every 100 points you earn, you will receive $5 off the next time you come in to dine, beginning once you reach 100 points. You will always be able to check your balance (check your balance link).
It is another way to thank you for your continued business.
We have locals who frequent quite often, and we have regulars who visit once or twice a year, for more than 40 years in a row.